December 31, 2008

three sisters

I had the opportunity to shoot these three beautiful sisters, the one on the far left (above) being one of my dearest friends from my MOPS group for several years now. Krissa and her sisters make a very pretty picture, don't you think?

A tribute to sisters... good times.

Happy New Year, friends!

December 21, 2008

the bad

So, back to my story... a photo shoot with my kids (and my mom) was not so easy. There was a lot of goofing off, fake smiles,

dancing/fighting on the tables,

and one little boy that refused to admit that he had to go potty.

Despite that, memories were made and even a few "hallmark" moments ;)

December 13, 2008

the good

Taking pictures of your own children is a challenge. Here are some of the good... later I will share some of the bad and the ugly (well, so to speak ;)

Grace has seen plenty of leaf photos with the many photo shoots I've been doing lately and she couldn't wait to get in on this action! Little Luke almost blends right in...

Taking a walk with Moo-moo. And if you look really closely you can see Cole running up ahead.

Grace is the easiest to get to cooperate (she should be, at age seven!)

And then there's Luke...

It looks like he's carrying a huge branch when he's really just climbing the tree.
Ahhh.... the good (I know, the list is short.)

December 02, 2008

December 01, 2008

Aiden & Erin

A sneak peak for my friend, Erin...

Little Aiden is a cutie!!

Mama and baby.... sweet love.